Michelle Blacksberg - President
Michelle Blacksberg is the 5th generation President of Riverside Cemetery. An entrepreneur prior to joining Riverside, Michelle owned and operated income tax offices in New York City. Her previous business experience also includes consulting for Fortune 500 companies internationally and working for FedEx as a Pricing Analyst. Ms. Blacksberg holds a B.S. from Cornell University and MBA from the University of Virginia.
Kenneth Studer - Vice President
Kenneth Studer manages the day-to-day operations of Riverside Cemetery, from office staff to field personnel. With more than 43 years of experience, Mr. Studer has personal knowledge of every facet of Riverside’s operations. Mr. Studer holds an accounting degree from William Paterson University.

Customer Service
Our office is open Monday-Friday 8:00am–4:00pm and Sunday 8:00am–1:00pm. Please call 201-843-7600
or email info@riversidecemetery.org.
The Field Staff
Our field staff ranges in number as the seasons change. Crew members are professionally trained to provide the best possible landscape service. Of special importance is our burial crew which performs burials with dignity and calm, helping to make the experience of coming here as comfortable as possible.
A Security Guard is on premises whenever the gates are open and the office is closed, and can assist in finding a gravesite.